Disomt Studios teamed up with Joseph and his producer Scarlett to launch his latest album “Life in Colour.” We oversaw parts of the creative direction inlcuding, Branding, Artworking, Production and Merchandise. We were also involved in the production stage of the merchandise from start to finish.
Our studio was brought on to design the look and feel of the campaign and album launch. The collaboration resulted in a wide range of both print and digital assets to be used throughout the album.
Team & Credits:
︎︎︎ Creative direction: Disomt Studios
︎︎︎ Producer: Scarlett Karmel
︎︎︎ Design: Disomt Studios
︎︎︎ Production: Coolulu
︎︎︎ Client: Joseph Reuben
︎︎︎ Special Thanks to Scarlett and Joseph
︎︎︎ Creative direction
︎︎︎ Branding
︎︎︎ Album Launch
︎︎︎ Merchandise